Shift Trade

Workout 14

4 Rounds (with or without a partner)

50 Double Unders

5 Power Clean and Jerks (135/95lbs)

10 Front or Back Squats (135/95lbs)

15 Calorie Row/Fan Bike/Ski Erg

*If without a partner, complete 1 round and rest the same amount of time it takes to complete 1 round. If with a partner, complete 1 round and rest while they complete a round. This works out to a 1:1 work to rest ratio.

Why: You can’t do everything by yourself on this job. Work with your partner and get used to “passing the tools” so to speak.

Tips: Hit each round hard. You have the time to recover to do so again each time.

Suggested time: If each round takes 5 minutes or longer, scale the weight.