Tools of the Trade

Workout 4

Partner workout for time

6 Rounds of:

5 Clean and Jerks (135/95lbs)

10 Walking Lunges with Hose Pack

100 m Run

*The work to rest ratio will be 1:1. When your partner is completing a round, you will be resting, and vice versa. This type of setup can allow you and your crew to to all workout at the same time. If that means you have a slightly longer rest period, it simply means you can attack each round with more ferocity. You can always add rounds or increase weight each round depending on your crews abilities.

Scaling: Lower weight of clean and jerks if needed. Remove the hose pack from the workout and do bodyweight lunges. If no access to barbell, use dumbbells or kettlebells. If no access to equipment, sub the clean and jerks for explosive pushups, overhead carry or buddy drags in full gear. Get creative with it if needed.

Buy in: As with all firefighting tasks, you will be with someone. Know your partner and build team chemistry.

Workout Tips: With the work to rest ratio, you should be attacking this at a fast pace. Think 1 minute 30 seconds per round of work.

Suggested time: 25 minutes or less